mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

hi blog, how are you?

Long time not writing, this time my fault, I have been very busy last period, lot of stuff in my head and too lazy to come here. So, let's see, after the days I spent in Ninh Binh, I took the long night bus to Hue, one of the most uncomftortable bus I had so far, so crowd of people, no space and no sleep too!! By the way Hue was not bad, I had higher expectations and I didn't like it too much, even if the ancient city is nice, too many tourists around. Very cool, even if pretty hard, it was the day tour trip to DMZ zone, which was the border between North and South Vietnam during the war with Americans, lot of inside stories and a real look about the war from "the other side".

After HueI moved to Hoi An, very cool ancient beach town, very relaxing, good food, good weather, a nice place to have a rest for few days.

And then, just today, I changed my mind and decided to skip the most touristic vietnamese sea side and to heading South through the Central Highlands. Here people are very very cool, very warm and friendly, I just get free dinner and drink from local people, so nice welcome.






Hoi An

Hoi An

Hoi An

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