well, well, well... after a couple if week I come back here to update my trip. I spent all my time since I left Cameron Highlands in Pulau Perhetian, I planned to go there for 4-5 days, doing some good diving and then going slowly to KL, Malaka and Singapre to catch my flight for Manila, but I did not consider one thing: the monsoon season, that was supposed to finish in February and instead it did not finish at all. So I had to reschedule everything, I decided to skip all the middle steps and to go to directly to Singapore from Pulau Perhetian (not really a good idea...).
But it was not bad, I finally learnt what is the meaning of Monsoon Season (at least 7-8 hours of rain per day, all days), I met some very good travelers and friends, now I know for sure that Lonely Planet sucks, I did skinny deep after 5 years, I finally did some good diving my last days, I found that Bergamo-Pescaro is a great connection, and I know that for the future it will be better to have leave some security time if I have to catch a flight.
Now, after 18 hours of continuous and incredible trip, I am in Manila, ready to go through Philippines for 3 weeks.
As soon as possible I upload some shots!